Chiricahua Mountains, AZ. At a tiny general store we ran into some cowboys with a big attitude:
John: Hey! How’s it going?
Cowboys: (with an Angus-size smirk) … It’s goin’.
John: Well, all right!
Back in the RV:
John: I don’t know why cowboys think they’re so tough. Look at ’em– They wear boots with high heels….
A few minutes later:
Lulu (to Toby): I’m trying to imagine if you married one of those guys with big hats and beards and long black coats….
Toby: You mean a cowboy?
Lulu: Naw, one’a those really Jewish guys…..
(my Orthodox rabbi great-grandfather from Lithuania is spinning like a dreidel in his grave.)
A few minutes later:
Zelda (mid-cheeseburger): I’ll never make it through this burger alive.
This moment in Harvey brought to you by the Adams family.