
July 6th, 2010 by admin

Hi. So we are on our way! Well, not actually on the road on-our-way, but sort of!

Ok, we moved out of our beloved old double-wide chateau at the bottom of Topanga Canyon. It was bittersweet, but a little bitter doesn’t taste so bad when you know you got a lot of sugar on the way…. I’m talking about the kind of Left turns that turn into right turns that turn into twisted little paved adventures that turn into stories that linger like cement…. All sweet and sticky and kinda twisted, like a stick of licorice. This is what I’m talking about.

So here’s the deal: John, Lulu, Zelda and I are going to get in an RV. We are going to drive that baby all around the country. John and I will home school the kids (and vice-versa). And we are going to shoot a damn film along the way, dammit! I have to use such emphasis because, well, sometimes you gotta show something who’s boss and so here you are witnessing my kid-gloved attempt at reminding the still-unnamed movie that we are coming, dammit! (Ok, three’s a charm.)

Anyone who knows John can guess that the film is practically half-done already — if that man were a superhero he’d be called OctoMan or MillionDo’er Man or Mitosis Man for his sheer talent for juggling countless endeavors at once. All I can say is, I’m glad I’m on his team. And yes, he’s already completed much of the score and begun to tackle the big challenge of how we are going to shoot the film. ( We bought a Canon D5, and John has been getting tutorials from our good pal, Thad Wadleigh. Thanks, Thad!)

Of course, lots of things can go down when you’re making a film. And traveling in a big boat on wheels. And so, this is the place where we are going to share our experience. Should be interesting, so please stick around!

As of today, July 6,2010, we are on the east coast. John and the girls are in Beaverkill, NY at our wonderful house there. I am in NYC hustling for work while I can get it. We have our camera. We have fine willing actors (wait ’till you see these guys on camera!). And we have a script. Now we need to hone in on an RV, get ready for school on the road, and to start putting all the other fine pieces together ( sound/ contract stuff/ Final Cut Pro/etc.).

Our estimated time of departure? Well, we fly back to CA in late August and have no home to load our lives back into, so…. Late August it is!

Video blogs to follow. Stay tuned.


Knick-knack paddywack, Give the blog a bone

May 6th, 2010 by admin

I’m not really blogging. Wonder Wheel is. So anything that sounds bad, boring or banal, you can take it to the double-W. They’re in charge — not me. Anyway, isn’t double-W sorta redundant? See, this isn’t my problem. They’re the boss, and the ones writing this now-boring, banal and dare I say BAD blog. (not to mention heavy on the alliteration…. I guess it runs in their family. Get it? Wonder Wheel..? All those “W”s…. ok, boss. I’ll go look busy… Sheesh!)

So this is a test, and only a test… Of the Emergency Blog-cast System…. This is a test.